
Trying out Svelte as a React Developer

I have been so excited to try out Svelte v3 since it came out in late April. But I wasn’t sure what to build. I built TodoMVC app and it didn’t feel enough to test out a framework, took me around 30 mins. Plus, it’s already built by Svelte team and this made it feel […]


On Lying

If you think exercise is hard, try being honest. In July last year, I listened to Sam Harris’s book Lying. It is a one-hour quick audiobook that I semi-randomly picked up for the mere reason that it is authored by Sam Harris. Not a book I read had such a profound impact on my life. […]


Leveraging HTML5 form validation & validation UI in React — Validate forms in 2 mins

Sorry to say that this might be a waste of your time if you care about IE. If you don’t, first I love you, second let’s do it! Form validation in React is a hot topic. Some people think it’s a pain in the neck. Some people think it’s easy. Some people think it’s indeed […]

Tech Uncategorized

(discontinued) Run a green-badge local HTTPS server with zero configuration

Running a local HTTPS server can be pain in the neck. You have to create your own certificates, add them as trusted etc. You know the deal. Using tunnels, at least the freely-available choices, isn’t the best experience either, they create a different URL everytime, they can get really slow, and 3rd parties will have […]


How to Setup Your Web App Manifest Dynamically Using Javascript

From a URL or a JSON object


The True Delight of React’s Error and Warning Messages

An epitome of code kindness Introduction There is this fascinating idea that hasn’t left me for years now, that software developers, with all their prejudices, biases, and humanness in general, shape the world around us. Think about it. Software, just like music, is an intangible good. It’s not wine or chocolate where raw materials can limit […]

Non-tech Tech

My Thoughts on Working Remotely, One Year in

The social, the efficiency and the health factors A little intro It’s been a little more than a year since I joined Starcounter. Working full-time as a Javascript developer mostly on Palindrom, JSONPatcherProxy, and fast-json-patch. All the team I work with is in the same timezone. We use Github, Slack and Google Hangouts for meetings. Worth mentioning that I […]